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Satellite Communications Engineer – Project Omniscient: Geostationary VHR Monitoring for Enterprise

This role is for a Satellite Communications Engineer on a contract lasting over 6 months, with a pay rate up to $300,000 annually. Key skills required include SAS EM, ETL, Cloud, and Security. Remote work location; security clearance is necessary.
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United States
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🗓️ - Date discovered
February 9, 2025
🕒 - Project duration
More than 6 months
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🔒 - Security clearance
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#Classification #Visualization #Monitoring #Security #Deployment #Cloud #Strategy #XML (eXtensible Markup Language) #Consul #SAS EM (SAS Enterprise Miner) #Documentation #React #"ETL (Extract #Transform #Load)" #Compliance #HTTP & HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol & Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure)
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Job ID: 286519-XRProgram: DevelopmentReport: Chief Technology Officer​​​Requisition ID: 286519-XRClearance Level: Varied​​​
Since inception, Atrisk has enabled employers (organizations)to understand the utility of their workforce. Transforming eachemployee into a valued and valuable component of the security,reputation, and profitability of their organization.
Employee Terminal is the software/operating system used tointerface with employee tools and services. Software Frontend,Human Backend. Accessible, comprehensive, fully integratedsafety/security suite that works automatically in the backgroundof an organization from day one.
Employee Terminal is actively managed and its services areoperated by the dedicated Advisor to the organization. Atrisksupports the seamless optimization and integration with anyexisting safety/security training and policies. For example,utilizing LIDAR mapping of locations to optimize evacuationroutes and to let employees visualize their optimal path to fireextinguishers, first aid kits, etc. Integration and human-firsttraining ensures that the framework is both approachable andadaptable, preventing the common pitfalls of rigidity anduselessness seen in traditional solutions.​
The human-first approach to safety and security leverages theinherent capabilities of every workforce. Rather than traditionalsecurity solutions which rely on external hardware or personnelthat make customers feel like criminals, and instead of framingsafety/security as an entirely independent function, equip everyemployee with accessible, highly effective training and tools,improving capabilities and confidence in a way that feelsapproachable and empowering.
An advantage of this framework is that it's naturally proactive,rather than reactive. With traditional solutions, for examplesurveillance cameras, they are designed to be useful after theincident has already occurred, and are accompanied by privacyimplications. Atrisk equips employees to mitigate or entirelyprevent incidents with safety-first action and situationalawareness. This does not transform employees into securitypersonnel; rather, it equips them with the information and insightto maintain their own safety, in itself mitigating possible damages,protecting people and property, in that order. Atrisk creates asense of duty and responsibility across the workforce thatpalpably sits right below the surface of everyday tasks.​
"What if we already have a security/surveillance system?Does that make Atrisk less impactful?"
While traditional security systems can act as a deterrent, theyprimarily function post-incident, helping in understanding andworking on incidents after — or at-best, as — they occur. Atriskequips employees with the information, insight, and tools, alsoincluding deterrence postings, to mitigate or prevent incidentsbefore — or at-worst, as — they occur. This proactive stance notonly works in immediate risk mitigation but also contributes to asustained safe working environment, thereby also improvingmorale, productivity, and customer trust.
The question is almost category error. Existing security andsurveillance systems certainly contribute to an organization'soverall safety strategy, and Atrisk enhances and complementsany existing systems rather than rendering them redundant orincompatible. Atrisk transforms each employee into an activecomponent of the framework, expanding a security/surveillancesystem beyond cameras and alarms. Turn employees into youromnipresent security system:
▪ Emergency Capture allows employees to livestreamincidents directly to the cloud. Real-time backup is crucialduring emergencies, as it ensures footage is continuouslyuploaded even if the recording device loses connection or iscompromised. By capturing this important evidence, the toolprovides a reliable Digital Witness that can be instrumental ininvestigations, capturing critical moments for security, legal,insurance, and other purposes.
▪ Being able to respond properly to every incident results inbalance sheet-wide benefits, reducing risk of injury andhealthcare costs, deterring consumer theft/fraud attempts,reducing costs associated with breaches, insurance claims,etc. The result is a more resilient organization that can handleincidents with agility and intelligence.​
"What if our employees are unableto understand the training or tools?"
If employees are concerned about safety/security, they canand desire to understand safety/security. Concerns aboutemployee capability to comprehend safety and securityconcepts are valid, considering the diverse backgrounds andvarying levels of expertise within any workforce. Atrisk, in part,addresses this by adopting a human-first approach to trainingand tools. Employee Terminal, central to service deployment, isdesigned for intuitive use and includes Access Controls to offerrelevant services to employees, ensuring that employees of allability levels can effectively Learn, Engage, and Review. Thisensures that understanding is not only comprehensive butaccessible, approachable, and actionable.
Atrisk training and tools are designed to enhance employeeunderstanding and confidence, with a suite of services fordifferent preferences. Empowering — in the true sense of theword — employees with information and insight that translatesinto actionable practices. Imagine being in a thunderstormwhile strapped to a lightning rod. That is how many employeesfeel working in the current security climate. Atrisk cannot stopthe thunderstorm, but we can remove the lightning rod. Theresults of addressing this are far broader than stopping anOcean's Eleven-style heist, but rather reducing everydayincidents, healthcare costs, employee turnover, internalstress levels, etc.
Atrisk continually adapts its training content to reflect theevolving safety/security landscape and employee feedback,ensuring relevance and retention. For example, with engagingtools like AR and VR for emergency preparedness, and AIassistants with platforms like Asterion, Atrisk makes safety andsecurity interesting to even the most carefree employee. Thiscreates a shared awareness within the workforce, effectivelyaddressing the most common root cause of incidents —employee ignorance and unpreparedness.​
"What is the profile of an organization thatwould benefit the most from having Atrisk?"
Atrisk is particularly impactful for a range of organizations, andhuman-based benefits are universal, as they are inherent to anyorganization with employees. The organizations that benefit themost are for-profit businesses with a physical presence in theUnited States, consumer-facing products or services (B2Cor B2B), between 50 and 50,000 employees, and consumer-facing employees (social engineering). Where incidents havematerial repercussions on customer trust, employee trust,business integrity, and the balance sheet.
These organizations benefit the most from Atrisk's offer totransform every employee into an expert, not only improvingindividual safety/security, but also fortifying the reputation andcustomer trust of the organization and it's employees. Atrisk ismade for environments where quick, effective response tosafety/security issues is crucial — as in retail, healthcare,industrial, transportation, corporate, or other settings. Eachdemands unique attention and focus, which Atrisk delivers viaactively-managed internal tools and services. But no matter theindustry, the long-term results of having Atrisk are air-tight.
Profile of an organization that would benefit the most fromhaving Atrisk:
□ For-profit business□ Location(s) in the United States□ Consumer-facing products or services□ Between 50 and 50,000 employees□ Consumer-facing employees​
[ Employee Terminal ]
Respond Properly, Protect PropertyEmployee Terminal is the gateway to turning every employeeinto a more confident, safe, trusted, and productive participantin your organization’s safety and security. With the all-in-onesuite, employees are equipped with tools and knowledge tohandle critical situations, creating a culture of readiness andresponsiveness. This empowerment goes beyond traditionaltraining, embedding a sense of duty and awareness into theeveryday workplace.
Software Frontend, Human BackendIntegrate seamlessly with any existing policies and procedures,enabling a painless transition with an immediate enhancementto security integrity and resilience. This integration extends thecapabilities of your workforce, allowing them to access vitalinformation and support without disrupting their workflow. It’snot just about having resources; it’s about making themaccessible and effective within the environments youremployees already navigate.
Ready for Anything, Counting on NothingMake employees feel like special agents, with duty and honor;the Employee Terminal serves as the center for continuousexposure to safety and security, including the on-board libraryof Training Materials, Trend Reports, and more. Depending ontheir Clearance Level, employees have round-the-clock accessto the tools and services; this in part ensures that yourworkforce not only knows the latest information but is alsoready to respond with a plan instinctively.​
[ LIDAR Emergency Planning ]
Interactive 3D Safety MappingTransform your approach to emergency/incidentpreparedness. Utilizing LIDAR technology, your DedicatedDeveloper creates annotated and navigable 360° modelsof facilities, emphasizing critical safety features includingemergency exits, fire extinguishers, first aid supplies,assembly points, etc. These maps are not only detailedbut also interactive, allowing employees to explore theirenvironment virtually to better understand their roles inemergency scenarios. This level of detail ensures that allemployees are familiar with the location layout and safetyprotocols, enabling more efficient, effective, and organizedresponses to future workplace emergencies.
Know What Happens, Before it HappensThis revolutionizes how employees perceive their surroundingsin critical situations. LIDAR scans are initially collected by anyemployee that works at the location, in under five minutes,collected data is then sent for modeling, annotation, andintegration. This allows employees to visualize the escaperoutes and safety equipment locations from their desks,offices, workstations, etc. Atrisk LIDAR modeling givesemployees an X-ray view of their location, for engagingand enjoyable visualization of their safest exit routes andtheir spatial relationship to the fire extinguishers, medicalsupplies, fire alarms, and more within their location.
Explore with AR, VR, and HologramsThis technology provides a dynamic space for employees toengage and interact with their work environment in ways thatare both educational and highly engaging. These models arealso made to be AR, VR, and Hologram-ready, for an evenmore immersive planning experience. AR and VR versionsof the models can be accessed and interacted with usinga modern smartphone, or with specialized viewing devices.Whether displayed as augmented reality on a phone,experienced as a virtual reality simulation, projected as ahologram, or viewed on a desktop, laptop, tablet, or phone,these models offer an engaging way to train for andvisualize their responses.​
[ HERO Platform ]
Become a HERO, Use Emergency ServicesThe HERO Platform is your emergency command center,offering employees the power to act swiftly and effectivelyduring emergencies. From dialing emergency services toreporting incidents, this platform provides a unified interfacethat simplifies critical communication. Its intuitive designensures that employees, regardless of their technical skill, cannavigate and utilize features under pressure, making safety acollective and accessible responsibility.
Your Evidence for InvestigationsImproved response and documentation with EmergencyCapture, allowing employees to livestream incidents directly tothe cloud. This real-time cloud backup functionality is crucialduring emergencies as it ensures footage is always beingcontinuously uploaded, even if the recording device losesconnection or is compromised. By safeguarding this real-timedata, the platform provides a reliable "Digital Witness" that canbe instrumental in investigations, capturing critical moments forsecurity, legal, insurance. and other purposes.
Ultimate Response and RecoveryWith the ability for every employee to automatically capture andupload incidents to the cloud, the HERO Platform acts as a vitaltool for securing visual evidence. This capability is essential foraccurately documenting incidents, identifying perpetrators, andproviding undeniable proof for legal and insurance claims. Itensures that all recorded footage is preserved, providing atransparent and accountable record of events as they unfold.​
[ Training Materials ]
Foundations for Self-Assured EmployeesTraining Materials form the backbone of the security strategy,providing a robust library of resources designed to educate andinform. From detailed document guides to interactivesimulations, these materials are crafted to ensure that everyemployee is well-versed in the latest safety protocols. Thebroad spectrum of formats — from audio to digital — ensuresthat learning is adaptable and accessible to all, regardless oftheir preferred learning style or technological proficiency.
Know What To Do, Before it Happens to YouPractical, flexible, and accessible information is central to alleffective responses by employees, and Training Materials aredeveloped with this in mind. Including Scenario Blueprints,featuring social engineering Transcript Simulations, thesematerials offer employees a first-person POV into navigatingcriminal encounters and various emergencies, includingmedical. This not only improves engagement, but also buildsconfidence, enabling employees to act decisively andappropriately when faced with real-life challenges.
Updates for Evolving ThreatsAs emerging threats evolve, so must our understanding ofwhat they are and how to respond to them. This is, in part, whyAdvisors work to make sure that existing Training Materials arecontinually upgraded to reflect the latest safety and securitytrends. This commitment to current content helps employeesstay informed about emerging threats and new compliancerequirements, fostering an environment of ongoing vigilanceand proactive adaptation.​
[ Individual Briefings ]
Personal Consultation for Every EmployeeIndividual Briefings offer a unique opportunity for employees toengage in one-on-one, private, and safe conversations, tailoredto address their concerns and questions. This direct, pseudo-personal interaction ensures that every employee feels heardand supported, fostering a deeper understanding of safetyprotocols and enhancing personal responsibility within thesecurity framework.
Building Confidence Through DialogueAt the core of Individual Briefings is the promotion of opencommunication and questions. These sessions are designed toencourage honest dialogue, where employees can freelydiscuss their safety and security questions without fear ofjudgment. This approach not only clarifies individual roles incrisis situations but also builds the confidence necessary foremployees to act decisively and effectively when needed.
Sustained Training and EngagementIndividual Briefings are more than just informational sessions,they are a cornerstone of the Atrisk framework of continuousdevelopment and engagement in workplace safety/security. Byrequesting these briefings, employees stay updated on thelatest strategies and changes in the safety/security landscape,maintaining a high level of readiness and adaptability acrossthe entire organization....​Read More:
Atrisk Corporation (ATSK), headquartered at 300 Delaware Ave,may be identified by its ISNI of 0000 0005 1367 5143, its Nasdaq LEIof 2549002K5Q8WUKP21B56, its Managing LOU of 5493001KJTIIGC8Y1R12(Bloomberg), its S&P Global ID of 8058644, its Copyright RIN of 671947, itsOpenCorporates ID of 7481692, its GLEIF XML Verification of2549002K5Q8WUKP21B56, its SIC Classification of 7382, its NAICSClassification of 56162, its Registration Authority ID of 000602 (US-DE),its CRN of 7481692, its Wikidata ID of Q124343310, cont. Compliance &Investor Factsheet "Integrity | Intelligence | Innovation" for theRegulatory Oversight Committee.
Job Types: Part-time, Contract
Pay: Up to $300,000.00 per year

Monday to Friday

People with a criminal record are encouraged to apply
Work Location: Remote